Merci [bctk_formatted_billing_full_name] pour votre commande.


Adresse de Facturation


[bctk_formatted_billing_full_name] : Full customer billing name
[bctk_formatted_shipping_full_name] : Full customer shipping name
[bctk_formatted_billing_address]: Full billing address
[bctk_formatted_shipping_address]: Full shipping addres
[bctk_formatted_order_total]: Order total, currency formatted
[bctk_customer_note]: Customer note
[bctk_order_number]: Order number
[bctk_view_order_url]: URL to view the order details
[bctk_order_details]: Table that list the order details
[bctk_billing_first_name]: Billing first name
[bctk_billing_last_name]: Billing last name
[bctk_billing_company]: Billing company
[bctk_billing_address_1]: Billing address 1